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{"config":{"lang":["en"],"separator":"[\\s\\-]+","pipeline":["stopWordFilter"]},"docs":[{"location":"","title":"Welcome to Juli's documentation","text":"<p>You can see a list of pages on the left.</p> <p>&lt;-----</p>"},{"location":"imagebot/","title":"imagebot","text":"<p>A bot to post images to a *key server. Includes an easy way to program a new source for images.</p> <p>Source can be found at Julimiro/imagebot, documentation can be found here(backup also available).</p>"},{"location":"imagebot/#usage","title":"Usage","text":"<p>*Only required if using danbooru image source,</p> <p>1. Clone the repo <code>git clone</code> 2. Install modules <code>pip install dotenv requests</code></p> <p>4. Create an account for the bot on your *key server.*</p> <p>5. Generate an api key by navigating to <code>/settings/api</code> of the server and clicking generate access token. Below is a list of permissions the bot needs. After setting the permissions, give the token a name and press done. Make sure to keep note of the token that flashes on screen. - Access your Drive files and folders - Compose or delete notes</p> <p>6. Open the .env file - Change baseurl to your *key instances url including /api. - Change the searchquery to what you want, make sure to keep <code>rating:general order:random</code>. * <code>rating:general</code> keeps it safe for work and <code>order:random</code> ensures a post isnt duplicated(probably) . - Change <code>danbooru_user</code> to the bots danbooru username.* - Change <code>danbooru_apikey</code> to an api key generated by going to your danbooru user page, scrolling own to \"API Key\" and clicking view. * -Change <code>api_key</code> to an your token generated earlier in step 5.. - <code>secret</code> should not be modified yet. - Save the file.</p> <p>7. Run <code></code>. 8. Enter the output of into the <code>secret</code> option in .env. 9. Now when <code></code> is ran, an image should be posted.</p>"},{"location":"imagebot/#making-an-image-source","title":"Making an image source","text":"<p>The <code></code> file must have a <code>main</code> function which doesnt take arguments but returns <code>string: post_url, string: image_url, string: artists</code></p>"}]}